Getting ready for Jesus’ death and resurrection.


Getting ready for Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Jesus spent 40 days in the desert preparing for His work. During Lent we spend
40 days getting ready to celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Lent is the special time when we prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ passion,
death and resurrection. We get our souls ready by doing prayer, fasting, and
Prayer is talking with God. We need to talk with God even more than we need
to talk to our family and friends. Lent is a good time to get into a habit of
talking with God every day.
Fasting is eating less than you normally would. It’s a good idea to give up a
little something you like for Lent. Giving things up helps us remember we need
God, not just food.
Almsgiving means giving to those who are in need. It helps us to be generous
like God. May be you have a bit of money you van give to the oor or to the