TIN MỪNG CHO NGƯỜI TRẺ: Sunday 17th Sep 2023

TIN MỪNG CHO NGƯỜI TRẺ: Sunday 17th Sep 2023

    Today’s Gospel reading directly follows last week’s Gospel in which Jesus taught the disciples how to handle disputes and conflict within the Christian community. In today’s reading Peter asks Jesus how many times one ought to extend forgiveness to another. Peter proposes a reasonable number of times, perhaps seven. Jesus replies by extending Peter’s proposal by an enormous amount; not just seven times should one forgive, but 77 times. The parable of the unforgiving servant is Jesus’ elaboration of his initial reply to Peter. Through the parable we come to understand the depths of God’s mercy toward us and the results of our acceptance of God’s forgiveness.

    There is a temptation to quantify or to count the number of times of forgiveness as Peter tried to do, but Jesus’ point is that forgiveness is not about quantity—the number of times we extend forgiveness to another. In the parable the king’s forgiveness is like God’s forgiveness, and it transforms us, helping us to be as forgiving as God. The lesson is clear: If we hoard God’s mercy while showing no mercy to others, we risk forfeiting the effects of God’s mercy in our lives.