Đại Hội Giới Trẻ Công Giáo tại Perth 8-10/12/2019

Đại Hội Giới Trẻ Công Giáo tại Perth 8-10/12/2019

Mời các bạn trẻ tiếp tục đăng ký đi đại hội giới trẻ tại Perth 8-10/12/2019.

Tìm hiểu thông tin xin liên lạc với Chị Thúy và Hà (Ủy viên giới trẻ-TN).

Xin theo trạng mạng này để biết thêm chi tiết: http://www.cam.org.au/acyf19

Hạn chót đăng ký 30/8/2019

Nên đăng ký với lại Chị Thúy và chị Hà, hoặc ở đây: http://www.cam.org.au/acyf19/Registration

The fourth Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) will take place at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre from 8–10 December 2019. The Melbourne Archdiocese has committed to a Melbourne Pilgrimage which will enable up to 2500 people from the Archdiocese of Melbourne to participate in the Australian Catholic Youth Festival.
ACYF provides young people with opportunities to deepen their relationship with Jesus, be empowered to be disciples in the world today and encounter and celebrate the vitality of the Church in Australia. The Festival is open to participants aged from year 9–30 years, plus leaders of any age. Harvest Journeys is the official tour provider for the Melbourne pilgrimage to ACYF.
Why join the Melbourne Pilgrimage?
The Melbourne Pilgrimage will unite schools, parishes and communities from around the Archdiocese of Melbourne to experience the Festival together. It also means the Festival is not experienced as a ‘one-off’ event but as an opportunity to continue building connections once pilgrims return home. A Commissioning Mass will be held on Sunday 24 November at St Patrick’s Cathedral with Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli. Here are some additional benefits for groups joining the Melbourne Pilgrimage:
  • Inclusive packages for individuals and groups
  • Shared leadership formation and briefings for leaders (hosted centrally)
  • Shared formation program for all pilgrims, with resources to be provided to schools and groups to run locally
  • Assistance with risk assessments
  • Central registration through Harvest Journeys
  • Harvest Journeys on-the-ground support team
  • Shared accommodation sites with other Melbourne pilgrims
  • Melbourne gatherings in Perth each day of the Festival
  • A Melbourne t-shirt for all participants

For more information on the Melbourne Pilgrimage, you can contact Alexandra Wedd, our ACYF Pilgrimage Coordinator on 9287 5580 or via email HERE


Click bên dưới để download ACYF 2019 info and travel package:

[easy_media_download url=”http://www.vinhsonliem.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/ACYF-2019-info-and-travel-package.pdf”