TIN MỪNG CHO NGƯỜI TRẺ: Does Jesus want to forgive your sins?

TIN MỪNG CHO NGƯỜI TRẺ: Does Jesus want to forgive your sins?

In today’s Gospel reading, we hear about a tax collector, Zacchaeus, who was curious about Jesus. Jesus saw that this was a good chance for Zacchaeus to turn away from his evil ways, so He called him down from his perch in the tree and said He was going to visit him at his house.

Some people were shocked that Jesus went to a sinner’s house, but Jesus told them that He had come to save the people who were lost in sin. Zacchaeus was sorry for his sins andd promised to pay everyone back for what he had stolen.

Have you ever felt really bad because of something you have done? What do you think Jesus would say to you if were sorry for it? Do you think that there is any sin that Jesus can’t forgive? Well, there isn’t! Jesus came to save us from our sins! And that’s why He is called our Savior.