Today’s Gospel reading – 13/03/2022


In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus took three of His apostles up a mountain
where they saw Him shining like the sun and talking with Moses and Elijah.
They were talking about how Jesus was going to go to Jerusalem and be killed.
The apostles were amazed and confused.
Jesus let the apostles see Him in glory to help them to understand why he had
to suffer and die. We won’t see Jesus in His glory until we see Him in heaven,
but it is good for us to think about the things that He and Moses and Elijah
were talking about.
Look at a crucifix or picture of Jesus on the cross every day. Think about how
much He loves you, and think about how you act toward Him. What can you
do to love Him better? Lent is a good time to try to find way to love Jesus
Heroes of the Bible
At the Transfiguration, Jesus changed before his friends. He shone like the
sun. And he stood in the middle of Moses and Elijah. Moses was the central
character in the Law, the first five books of the Bible. Elijah was the first and
greatest of the prophets. Together they symbolized “the Law and the
Prophets,” code words for the Bible.
Lent is the ideal time to read more of the Bible, alone and with your family.
Plan two times this week when you will read the Bible with your family. You
could even share the stories of Moses (in Exodus) and Elijah (in 1 Kings 17-
22 and 2 Kings 1-3). These stories will point out the importance of these men
in the Bible. They will also point out how important their presence was to
Peter, James, and John on the top of the mountain with Jesus.